Saturday, October 27, 2007

It has arrived....

On 10/18-we ordered Shawn's new TV. It arrived on Tuesday. Best Buy told us it would be 6 days, it came sooner, and I'm absolutely positive that that wasn't soon enough for Best Buy. Shawn was like a small child waiting for his new toy. Everyday he said did they call, maybe I should call them, so he'd call. Anyhow he's happy, make that ecstatic about it. I'm feeling like its large, very large. But I guess that's to be expected since its a 50 inch plasma.....boys and their toys. Now we just have to wait for the wall brackets to arrive. Note to the manufacturer, please hurry.


Lori Eilers said...

Sweet! I think you should rent a chick flick and have the girls over to enjoy Shawn's new toy! Hee Hee...

Jena said...

Today Scott got a new video game and he is on cloud 9...Eli is playing too! HELP!