Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Bells Will Be Ringing.....Part 2

Colby and I went on Monday night to RING THE BELL. Oh what a huge difference 5 years can make in hanging with your Mom. Cale and I sang Christmas carols on Friday. Colby says to me when we are there, "could you not sing Mom its kind of embarrassing." Nice, thanks my boy! I took candy canes for him to hand out to people and he kind of liked that. We had a good time, and I tried to explain to him how fortunate we are and how important it is to give back, I'm not sure if the boys understand this yet.
This is definitely a tradition we are going to continue every year!


Lori Eilers said...

So cool to teach your kids about giving back. It's something they will always remember and in turn teach their own kids. And the fact that Colby asked you not to sing is funny to me because my kids said the same thing to me more than once! Maybe we can go and sing together! :)