Monday, April 21, 2008

Cale has found a new food (?) that he just loves....

Amy insisted I blog about this when I shared the story with her. Cale has always really loved tuna. Just plain tuna canned in water. I put the tuna in a bowl and he eats it on wheat crackers. Probably a really strange favorite for a 3 year old.

Last weekend at lunch he was having his tuna and crackers, Colby was having a pb and jelly sandwich. Colby was first of all disgusted by the tuna itself, I mean really do you know what tuna is? Then his brother picks up the bowl and begins to drink from it. Then the gagging started. But when Cale got out the straw it was all over. Colby proclaimed he would have to leave the table because this was absolutely the most disgusting thing he had ever witnessed.

Twice since then Cale has had his tuna and crackers, then after he had consumed it, out came the straw so he could slurp up the remaining "tuna juice". Maybe I could become a millionaire by canning and selling "tuna juice". Let me know if anyone thinks there may be a market for this.


little mama said...

That is an amazing favorite food. He's getting plenty of Omega 3's from that-isn't that in fish?? Anyway, way to go Cale! You've got to share that tuna with Ava and get her over her fear of trying foods that aren't salted cured meats.

Lori Eilers said...

Wow, that is one of the strangest things I've ever heard a kid liking and doing but cool cuz it's so healthy. The straw thing is a little gaggy to me, too, I have to admit. Too funny!

Angela said...

I was good with the tuna ... the straw thing is just too much! I'm with Colby!!
That is so funny!

amain said...


Anonymous said...

I am totally gagging right now :( Especially because I hate tuna :o(