Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Anyone up for another shopping trip?

So yesterday I finally added up what my little outing cost me.....so when Shawn gets home from work I tell him. He says is it under or over $800. WHAT? First of all I didn't know that an $800 shopping trip would be acceptable, but that is good info to have. Just kidding.... So I show him the paper where I added it up, he's like wow (i had added all the normal prices of each item up, so it was quite high). I tell him just kidding, that would be if I paid full price, and didn't use any coupons. Just for the record I was NO where near $800, not even close.


Anonymous said...

Hey I am heading that way on Monday for a jewelry party--we could stop along the way if you want to ride along!! HA HA!

becky said...

I still say we all need to make an IKEA run, it shares a parking lot with the Mall of America...

amain said...

I love pointing out to Mark how much $$$ I have SAVED him on any shopping venture:)
And if $800 is an option @ your house, I say my husband hangs out with your husband more often!!

Jena said...

I second the notion for the IKEA trip!

Dara said...

how about ikea before christmas?