Sunday, August 5, 2007

A little pampering goes a long way.....

Friday morning the boys helped me with my toes, since I have acrylic nails its impossible for me to get my polish off with out totally messing them up. I didn't have to time to run to get a pedicure so I looked for an alternative. The boys were so cute, and their attention to detail unbeatable. I can rent them out if anyone needs assistance.....:)


amain said...

Hey, I think this could be a GREAT way for each of them to earn money for their Buddy Barrels...and get Pastor Lori that much closer to PINK HAIR!!!
Those pix are great:)

Lori Eilers said...

So cute!! Those pictures may come back to haunt them when they get to dating age! :)

Dara said...

and yet another reason why colby needs to be my son-in-law.