Thursday, May 29, 2008

This says it all....

Today while Cale and I were out running errands I saw this license plate on a car. Really what a great concept. I am going to try harder every day to put my trust in God, really it does us no good to fret about things, he is in control. If we give it all up to him, our live will move down the road as intended.
I read some on the Internet about the controversy this plate has created. Christians are a huge group in the United States I think its time to stand up and be heard. Apparently the ACLU tried to step in to have the license plate stopped by the Supreme Court didn't let it happen. Yeah.
So the idea for the day is displayed proudly on this license plate, maybe I could apply for an address in Indiana and get myself one of these plates, hmmm now theres an idea!


Dara said...

yeah - if we can have license plates supporting every other thing - like birds - we for sure should be able to say we trust in God with one!
pretty cool

Lori Eilers said...

Very cool. Some people have the weirdest vanity plates...if I had one it would say something worthwhile. Go Indiana...if God ever would call me there I would LOVE to have that plate!

Sleep, what's that??? said...

Be glad you weren't there for the whole ordeal! It got kinda ugly! But we WON!!!!!!!!!!!
When reading your blog, I was getting ready to say, where have you been, but then remembered you aren't from IN to have seen it first! :O) They've had these plates for about 2 years now! And there was NO extra charge for these plates, just the normal price! SWEET!!!!!!!!!! Think we can go and fight for them? ;o) I am beside you if you want too! :O)

Sleep, what's that??? said...
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Sleep, what's that??? said...
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Jena said...

Too bad they didn't have them when we lived there!