Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The Big News!

And now the news you've all been waiting for, we went to the doctor this morning, and heard the babies' heartbeat, and there was only 1! That's good news, I think both of us exhaled a huge sigh of relief.
After weeks and weeks of everyone saying WOW, your big already. I had actually started to wonder myself, could there be two in there? I totally went in thinking that is what we would hear, so I was way relieved when there was one tiny little beating heart! So exciting!
We will have an ultrasound in December, and will know whether we are having a boy or girl before Christmas!


Dara said...

how fun that you will know what you are having before christmas!!!! Yeah for you guys. What to do - I may have to have another one myself since there isn't one in there for me! HA! Oh my....

Angela said...

So excited for you! Now you need to post some pics of that BIG belly so those of us that aren't there can judge for ourselves! :-)

Lori Eilers said...

Awwww, only one? Thought if you had an extra you might share. :) I'm super excited for y'all. Miss you soooo much!