Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Spring Has Definitely Not Sprung...

I cannot believe that I actually had to cancel baseball practice due to snow. Come on its April 11. Cale and I went to storytime at the library, he is so funny. I wish I had a hidden video camera to catch him. He sings louder than any of the other kids. So different than Colby ever was. It amazes me everyday how different the two of them are. Since Colby didn't have baseball tonight we went to Tae Kwon Do. There are classes available every night but it seems like the nights when we don't have baseball there are always after 7. That makes it hard to get him unwound and settled for bed.
I posted some pictures of Easter with the Adair's, we had a great time!
Here's to hoping we have sun tomorrow. I'll keep my fingers crossed and say a prayer...


Lori Eilers said...

Welcome to blogging! Tell the boys hi from Pastor Lori!

Angela said...

So glad to see your blog!! You'll be hooked in no time and wonder how you ever lived without it!! :-)

Dara said...

welcome to the wonderful world of blogging - its so fun to keep up with everyone this way....