Wednesday, May 2, 2007

May Day

Yesterday was May Day, so the boys and I spent sometime delivering May baskets to some friends during the afternoon. They had great fun and Colby loved to see how fast he could run. I think when I was little it was a tradition that if you got caught you got kissed but since I have two boys it seems like we delivered to mostly boys too. We did take a few to some friends we have met from church, but sadly I don't know where a lot of them live yet so I did mapquest to find some and decided it was kind of silly to drive too far to deliver popcorn and other treats. Hopefully as the weather gets nicer we can all get together for picnics and fun. Last night I baked brownies for some neighborhood friends (without kids) and had Colby run those as May baskets too. We had so much fun!


Angela said...

Super cute! My kids got the biggest kick out of their delivery!! It was hilarious! We can't wait to get in on the fun next year!