Saturday, October 27, 2007

Mama's little helper....

Friday morning Cale set out on the task to bake cookies (please don't notice the tub he's getting the cookie dough out of). Its so funny how when kids are young they love- love- love to help. Doesn't matter what it is-laundry, mopping, cooking, dishes Cale will volunteer. I have to take the help while I can get it, because as Colby gets older he gets busier with his own things and less willing to help. Don't get me wrong Colby still likes to help, it just comes a little less frequently.
The cookies were delicious, he's a great baker!
****please note the pile of dishes behind him are clean, just waiting to dry...:)


Sleep, what's that??? said...

How sweet! My kids LOVE to help cook/bake too! Them breaking eggs sure is fun!!! :O) (They actually do a good job with it!! :O))

Anonymous said...

Your 'notes' are cracking me up!!!