Friday, September 21, 2007

You just have to laugh, otherwise we'd cry

A lot of you have heard the trials and tribulations we (mostly Shawn) have experienced with some of his employees. I was just reading The Des Moines Register and read an article concerning a former employee, here it is:

Alleged onion-hurler charged with assault
A Des Moines man went to jail Wednesday afternoon for allegedly throwing an onion at his wife.The police report begins: "(The victim) states her husband had been drinking and they got into an argument."James Izzolena, 54, of 3515 Sheridan Ave., was charged with domestic assault causing injury. Police said he became upset with his wife, Nicole Izzolena, 27, and threw an onion at her, striking her in the back of the head.She told police it made her head hurt. James Izzolena admitted throwing the onion, police said, but he claimed he did not intend to hit her with it. He was being held on $300 bond Thursday.

The only that would top this off would be if the picture that was in the paper was here too, I just have to laugh. You just have to love being a business owner.


Angela said...

ONLY in Des Moines would something so silly make it in the paper! That cracks me up! It brings back far too many memories of the jokers I had on my caseload as a probation officer! Gotta love 'stupid criminals'!

amain said...

I tried to read this blog to Mark, but just could not get thru it without CRACKING UP! And then I went to search out the photo...what a hoot!!