Thursday, August 16, 2007

Happy Birthday Colby!

Today Colby turned 8, I cannot even believe that. He is turning into such a little man. Here are a some things he has done or said recently to prove that very fact:
  • Asking me if he could call a friend, who happens to be of the female gender.
  • Telling his father and I that he had already put deodorant on, now could he please borrow some cologne.
  • It is no longer acceptable to call me Mommy in fact if I use this term, he corrects it to Mom.

I know that there are some funny stories I'm forgetting about, but I am super wiped out from our day. We had a nice day, and we are heading to Omaha tomorrow to either (depending on the weather) go to the zoo or the children's museum. Then Saturday we are heading to Springfield, Nebraska to spend some time with my brother and his wife. My mom, 1 sister, 2 nieces will meet up with us there. We will have a small celebration for him then, and then will meet up with friends and family back here hopefully next weekend.

To my boy, I love you so much, and I am so glad that God gave me you......


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Colby!!!

Lori Eilers said...

Colby, You rock! Happy Birthday...I owe you a spankin', kiss or something! Have a fun trip. We love you!