Sunday, August 5, 2007

Cale's Birthday Party

On the 29th we got together with a small group of friends and family to celebrate Cale's birthday. My children are spoiled, I mean blessed beyond belief and need presents like well I don't know what its like they just flat out don't need a thing. The kids had a great time, with water guns, and a pinata that I filled way toooo full. I just wanted to share a picture of his cake, it turned out really cute, courtesy of Sam's Club.
This was also a huge day because it was Cale's first day to join Pastor Lori at Creek Kids with all the big kids. She said he did great, and what a joy it is to sit and be able to give our full attention to Pastor Josh. Woohoo for being 3 and potty trained.....


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Cale! What a big boy :) Just started working on potty training with Kaitlyn, and so far, so good :)

Jenn said...

Yeh Kaitlyn! I didn't think it would ever happen, it seemed like he just didn't have an interest than BAM its done. WOOHOO!